i was just about to write 'good morning'
but the morning has escaped already...
it's already past noon!
this is my 500th post.
they've been written over nearly 3 years.
my 1st was in august 2010.
it was written with as much angst
as anticipation.
it was a scary thought
that anyone but family might read my writing
i didn't know what family may think either!
we are old friends, my blog and i
all the people i've met and spoken to.
i look forward to spending time here...
some days more time than others.
my creative mojo has waned
but that's just part of life.
i've crocheted, sewn and knitted here
you've seen it all.
today i'm excited about my daughter's
garden transformations.
i'm her assistant
todays task as been to water all her babies
as they sun themselves under our bright blue queensland sky.
i do have a tiny jumper to finish knitting
with life a little less chaotic
maybe my creative mojo has just temporarily
ducked out for a cuppa...
here's hopin' anyway!
naturally Carol xox